1.   Betty, who still has a hat, throws hers in the air.

2.   Bike messengers have hats.

3.   Bill Belichick still has the hat.

4.   I always had a hat for him, and all the players would sign it when they got done.

5.   I had so many hats when my husband and I broke up, but they take up room!

6.   I never have hats or hang sunglasses on them or have cigarettes dangling from their mouths.

7.   Now, he has hat in hand.

8.   Peters Brothers flew into high gear and we had our hat Thursday night.

9.   Our mayor has a hat.

10.   They had no hats, nothing to protect their arms, their legs.

v. + hat >>共 188
wear 27.13%
throw 8.33%
tip 7.95%
take 4.30%
remove 3.37%
pass 3.27%
hang 2.15%
make 1.96%
have 1.50%
matching 1.31%
have + n. >>共 1145
chance 2.31%
problem 2.14%
trouble 1.82%
right 1.67%
plan 1.46%
idea 1.28%
lot 1.20%
time 1.09%
child 1.04%
power 1.04%
hat 0%
每页显示:    共 16