1.   But to find recognition he had to travel to New York and its Latin nightclubs.

2.   If you find nothing suspicious, you may have to break into the wall amd make a visual inspection.

3.   Internal memos filed in court detail how the marketing firm often wrote a first draft of an article, but had problems finding an author.

4.   Ms. Williamston served in the Navy and received her high school equivalency diploma, Ms. Grant said, but still had trouble finding steady employment.

5.   Such vaccination involves detecting infected people and then finding everyone they had contact with when they could have transmitted the smallpox virus.

6.   What a proud moment that was to find that we had those kind of skills within our own tribe.

7.   While having trouble finding a position in the WWF, Vic Grimes has found his niche while on loan to the ECW.

8.   With the guards having problems finding their shots, it has been up to Mayberry, Nadja Morgan, Keani Christianson and Kelli Spencer to carry the Waves.

9.   He has yet to apply, and for now has had trouble finding work at a Houston day labor site.

10.   Near shore, their sonar gets confused and have problems finding their way back to deeper waters.

v. + find >>共 407
return 7.63%
arrive 5.78%
work 5.02%
awake 4.20%
say 3.92%
use 3.92%
wake 2.13%
be 2.06%
do 1.93%
surprise 1.79%
have 0.83%
have + v. >>共 557
say 7.39%
have 7.16%
do 4.33%
come 4.33%
unite 2.37%
be 2.19%
make 2.02%
go 1.50%
get 1.50%
run 1.21%
find 0.69%
每页显示:    共 12