1.   The New Party is for reunification, but against achieving it in a hasty manner.

2.   The prosecution accused Benjamin of performing a complicated late-pregnancy abortion in a hasty manner in the unsanitary and dimly lighted clinic.

3.   Average cost buying is sound advice for investors because it takes removes the temptation for an investor to rush in and buy his stocks in a hasty manner.

4.   He also opposed what he called the hasty manner in which the constitutional conference agreed to grant independence to what had been the northern province of Eritrea.

a. + manner >>共 1144
same 5.43%
good 5.15%
timely 2.75%
similar 2.72%
bad 2.09%
usual 1.16%
different 1.16%
such 1.09%
orderly 1.06%
easy 0.97%
hasty 0.12%
hasty + n. >>共 176
retreat 17.34%
decision 7.88%
departure 3.38%
conclusion 3.15%
action 2.93%
change 2.25%
exit 2.25%
return 2.25%
retaliation 2.03%
move 1.58%
manner 0.90%
每页显示:    共 4