1.   Harrowing events like the Oklahoma bombing spur instant talk on the Internet.

2.   Recent harrowing events must surely give pause to families pondering a fall or winter getaway.

3.   The cause of stress may be a harrowing event, a tormented mental state, a physiological impairment or just some chronic sense of cosmic uneasiness.

4.   Others recounted the harrowing events of the past days.

a. + event >>共 984
sporting 5.23%
major 3.07%
recent 2.82%
special 2.36%
fund-raising 2.01%
first 1.90%
annual 1.85%
public 1.80%
international 1.78%
big 1.72%
harrowing 0.02%
harrowing + n. >>共 171
experience 8.79%
story 6.65%
tales 5.23%
journey 4.99%
scene 3.09%
tale 2.38%
ordeal 2.14%
account 2.14%
moment 2.14%
time 2.14%
event 0.95%
每页显示:    共 4