1.   Another approach would require ground crews to add a harmless gas to partially filled fuel tanks prior to departure.

2.   Another would add the harmless gas to fuel tanks while in mid-flight as a way to reduce vapors.

3.   That releases a harmless gas, usually nitrogen or argon, that fills the bag.

4.   The drums were found to contain only a harmless gas, but the police evacuated two square blocks while they investigated it.

5.   The Defense Threat Reduction Agency is monitoring the flow of a harmless gas being released over the Salt Lake valley this month for a weather study.

a. + gas >>共 855
toxic 3.95%
cooking 3.27%
poisonous 3.15%
russian 2.79%
deadly 1.78%
higher 1.75%
hot 1.75%
new 1.45%
industrial 1.43%
high 1.31%
harmless 0.15%
harmless + n. >>共 359
fun 4.52%
single 2.85%
virus 2.51%
bacterium 2.01%
grounder 1.84%
one 1.84%
shot 1.34%
stuff 1.17%
form 1.01%
way 1.01%
gas 0.84%
每页显示:    共 5