1.   Socks that are too tight can cause as much harm as badly fitting shoes.

2.   Economic sanctions would do as much harm as good, undoing NAFTA commitments, threatening U.S. foreign investment and wrecking economic reforms.

3.   It must focus only on such harms as the framers intended to be redressed by the incomparably severe act of impeachment.

4.   Scientists have suggested that some may do as much harm as good.

5.   Too much staring at the video machine can do as much harm as good.

6.   Maliko, who works as a tour guide, said that many Ami people fear that tourism will do as much harm as good.

7.   Unfortunately it has evolved into a rather arrogant and inflexible organization that in some cases does as much harm as good for poor countries.

n. + as >>共 1563
job 1.33%
year 1.24%
role 1.18%
reputation 1.11%
time 0.99%
day 0.87%
career 0.86%
official 0.65%
thing 0.63%
work 0.61%
harm 0%
harm + p. >>共 24
to 41.52%
than 26.89%
in 10.89%
from 4.38%
with 3.09%
by 2.88%
on 2.77%
of 2.35%
for 0.85%
as 0.75%
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