1.   If a House-Senate conference gets its way, some hardrock mining may continue even with a federal moratorium.

2.   Some hardrock mining may continue even with a federal moratorium if a House-Senate conference get its way.

3.   Some hardrock mining may continue even with a federal moratorium if a House-Senate conference gets its way.

4.   The change would set aside stricter rules on hardrock mining that required compliance with tightened environmental standards.

5.   While coal mining or oil and gas exploration can be denied leases based upon environmental concerns, not so with hardrock mining.

6.   The potential for hardrock mining remains to be tapped.

n. + mining >>共 48
coal 33.33%
strip 6.94%
datum 6.48%
uranium 6.02%
diamond 5.09%
mountaintop 3.70%
hardrock 2.78%
gem 2.31%
gravel 2.31%
open-pit 2.31%
hardrock + n. >>共 5
mining 60.00%
industry 10.00%
mine 10.00%
regulation 10.00%
waste 10.00%
每页显示:    共 6