1.   Although agreement on this finding is hardly universal, there is now an ample body of evidence implicating trans fats in heart disease.

2.   But support for the fortress approach to security is hardly universal.

3.   But that unqualified enthusiasm is hardly universal, in part because of the Dallas show.

4.   But that assessment is hardly universal.

5.   But that view is hardly universal.

6.   But the willingness of Selleck and other actors to play gay roles is hardly universal.

7.   For one thing, the penalty is hardly universal.

8.   However, the acclaim was hardly universal.

9.   Music and madness are hardly universal bedfellows.

10.   Of course, the new investor mindset is hardly universal.

d. + universal >>共 56
almost 22.32%
not 19.13%
nearly 12.30%
more 9.79%
by_no_means 4.33%
as 3.87%
hardly 3.64%
virtually 3.19%
so 2.73%
most 1.59%
hardly + a. >>共 823
any 13.13%
alone 8.50%
surprising 6.41%
new 5.59%
unique 2.58%
likely 1.81%
unusual 1.81%
enough 1.45%
noticeable 0.85%
surprised 0.74%
universal 0.57%
每页显示:    共 16