1.   An overwhelming majority of the Taliban troops are Pashtun, so a defection by a Pashtun commander and his men could provoke particular anger among hardline Taliban leaders.

2.   But the Rev. Ian Paisley, the hardline Protestant leader who wants Northern Ireland to remain part of Britain, criticized the decision.

3.   It implies that even the hardline leaders of the Islamic Republic are not bound by any compulsion to reject forever negotiations or normalization of relations with Washington.

4.   A hardline Protestant leader alluded to alleged friendships in a political speech on Saturday.

5.   After hardline leader Netanyahu came to power in May, Syria demanded that the talks resume at the point where they had left off.

6.   But the hardline leader said he would head back to the negotiating table only if the Palestinians stopped fighting.

7.   Buthelezi and other hardline leaders oppose negotiating and want to claim full powers for provincial governments.

8.   Current Khmer Rouge guerrillas loyal to hardline military leader Ta Mok in northern Cambodia have also been cutting logs with the presumed intention of exporting to neighboring Thailand.

9.   Hardline Chechen opposition leaders on Tuesday created a rival Islamic government that they say will replace secular rule.

10.   Hardline Serb leaders like Radovan Karadzic are bent on dividing Bosnia and would like the current separation line to become a border with the Muslim-Croat federation.

a. + leader >>共 507
palestinian 8.27%
party 3.98%
political 3.64%
republican 3.27%
the 3.06%
union 2.96%
congressional 2.28%
religious 1.95%
military 1.80%
former 1.76%
hardline 0.10%
hardline + n. >>共 207
group 10.81%
leader 5.94%
policy 5.33%
stance 5.18%
government 3.50%
militia 3.20%
state 2.82%
faction 2.59%
position 2.51%
movement 2.28%
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