1.   Such an attitude often hardens the attitude of those with whom one negotiates.

2.   The Church of Rome, on the other hand, hardened its attitude against birth control.

3.   Their action can only serve to harden the attitude of landowners.

4.   And he largely ignores the effect of recent immigration in broadening or perhaps hardening American attitudes toward globalization.

5.   But the bombing is certain to harden attitudes in London and among the unionist community in Northern Ireland.

6.   But the defiant demonstrations have served to harden attitudes.

7.   Growing problems with Vietnamese gangs in the United States and Europe have hardened Western attitudes against Vietnamese refugees who have criminal records.

8.   More than two weeks of bloodshed have hardened attitudes and pulverized trust between Israelis and Palestinians.

9.   Moreover, black and white residents seem to be hardening their attitudes toward each other.

10.   Predictably, this intifada has hardened Israeli attitudes.

v. + attitude >>共 350
change 18.53%
have 9.30%
reflect 3.17%
take 2.76%
adopt 2.56%
harden 2.02%
develop 1.95%
see 1.62%
affect 1.42%
like 1.35%
harden + n. >>共 123
position 20.60%
stance 8.79%
attitude 7.54%
heart 4.77%
resolve 4.27%
opposition 3.02%
line 2.26%
tone 2.26%
rhetoric 1.76%
steel 1.76%
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