1.   Pushing kids so hard from such an early age is likely to have some harmful results.

2.   The only sound now was their feet rustling through the shore grass, coarse and hard from countless tides of salt water.

3.   Actually, it was the wind blowing in hard from center field that made the field seem so mammoth.

4.   But that has been hard from the beginning.

5.   But, last summer, Hysong fell hard from pole-vaulting fame.

6.   Haynes worked his players hard from the start, instilling three-a-day practices.

7.   The ground was hard from two nights of cold, and an old shovel was the best we had.

8.   When children are nurtured on this bitter broth, identities as well as hearts grow hard from an early age.

9.   Yet some legislators are running so hard from the potential controversy that this may be the first session called off due to an epidemic of pulled hamstrings.

10.   People whose stomachs are rock hard from hunger.

a. + from >>共 1018
available 8.80%
absent 4.47%
away 3.16%
far 3.03%
apart 2.32%
clear 2.30%
visible 1.99%
isolated 1.82%
unchanged 1.66%
en_route 1.22%
hard 0.09%
hard + p. >>共 50
to 29.77%
for 21.49%
at 14.62%
as 7.89%
in 5.61%
of 2.81%
against 2.52%
by 2.03%
with 1.74%
about 1.69%
from 0.63%
每页显示:    共 13