1.   The leadership too often shrinks from hard decisions.

2.   Unfortunately, our culture does not provide acclaim for those who make the hard decision to do succession planning, even though so much is at stake.

3.   Rao warned that hard decisions would have to be implemented to manage the balance of payment situation and to curb inflation.

4.   And from time to time because they will take those hard decisions, those decisions may not be popular.

5.   Yet it was a hard decision.

6.   An easy-money approach avoids hard decisions and risks undermining the confidence of the American people just as public trust in government has soared during this war.

7.   And hard decisions have to be made.

8.   And the cynicism and apathy churned up by the money scandals will poison the well when it comes time for politicians to take hard decisions on inflation.

9.   Another hard decision was what to do in Bosnia, he added.

10.   As if this was a hard decision, from either a humanitarian or a marketing point of view.

a. + decision >>共 686
final 18.55%
right 2.49%
tough 2.36%
difficult 2.12%
unanimous 1.97%
major 1.68%
political 1.55%
bad 1.47%
important 1.46%
recent 1.43%
hard 0.86%
hard + n. >>共 557
time 18.59%
work 13.62%
drive 7.61%
hit 3.96%
way 3.84%
part 2.10%
evidence 1.97%
look 1.28%
hat 1.17%
worker 0.98%
decision 0.86%
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