1.   I went along to some services and again I saw how happy people were.

2.   Just as happy people create their own inclination towards further happiness, so trusting relationships create further trust.

3.   Share stories about places and people being different at Christmas time, how lovely everything looks and how happy people are.

4.   But she felt oddly detached from it, eager to be away from these happy people.

5.   Their new play begins on a sandy beach with ten happy people who have all escaped from their commitments.

6.   An unabashed sentimentalist, Lelouch has a gift for portraying the beauty of the world and the joy of happy people with an intensity that almost hurts.

7.   And new studies are investigating the brain activity of happy people.

8.   A quarter of a century ago, in the Summer of Love, legions of happy young people descended on the first Woodstock rock festival.

9.   All happy people have steady incomes, but every unhappy person is a paycheck short each month.

10.   All happy people are grateful, and ungrateful people cannot be happy.

a. + people >>共 764
young 11.76%
american 3.10%
local 2.46%
poor 2.44%
older 2.30%
ordinary 2.18%
elderly 2.02%
homeless 1.50%
black 1.46%
innocent 1.28%
happy 0.08%
happy + n. >>共 745
ending 15.47%
birthday 4.00%
man 3.79%
day 2.76%
one 2.68%
time 2.18%
family 2.18%
face 2.12%
memory 2.03%
life 1.85%
people 1.06%
每页显示:    共 36