1.   The general public has little or no knowledge of what is happening inside prisons.

2.   Always, however, the improvements have come after an outside agency or court questioned what was happening inside the walls.

3.   As for what has happened inside art, young artists reacting against the previous political stridency now explore subtler, more aesthetically varied routes toward expressions of selfhood.

4.   At first, nobody was clear on what was happening inside.

5.   Because investigators still are unsure exactly what happened inside the trailer, they want to talk to Rhyan today or Thursday, if his condition permits.

6.   A news information board, known in the trade as a zipper, encircles the building, to draw attention to what is happening inside.

7.   Actually, the whole trajectory of cancer research is now away from cultures in the petri dish toward what happens inside the live animal.

8.   But the special counsel also has the more complicated job of rendering the official, untainted record of what happened inside the government.

9.   But whatever happens next inside the camps, the border itself will soon become impassable.

10.   But what happens inside the chamber depends on the device.

v. + inside >>共 1292
trap 4.91%
go 4.49%
get 3.69%
find 3.02%
stay 2.97%
remain 2.26%
recommend 2.16%
allow 2.12%
hide 2.10%
look 1.68%
happen 0.66%
happen + p. >>共 78
in 46.46%
at 10.24%
with 9.07%
after 3.32%
during 3.29%
for 3.28%
before 2.94%
by 1.65%
without 1.49%
between 1.49%
inside 0.66%
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