1.   On the road, both cars have an amazing amount of stick-to-itiveness, and they will handle any curve you toss their way.

2.   The big problem is how the train will handle curves.

3.   The car can handle curves at high speeds but feels a little less sure of itself in quick transitions.

4.   While the CL does not outshine the BMW on a racetrack, it handles curves on real roads swiftly and confidently.

5.   You could also feel the texture of a pair of corduroy jeans or test-drive a car, feeling how it handles the curves and accelerates on the straight.

v. + curve >>共 120
throw 10.45%
round 7.32%
take 3.48%
follow 3.14%
negotiate 3.14%
use 2.44%
hug 2.44%
have 2.09%
plot 2.09%
explain 2.09%
handle 1.74%
handle + n. >>共 948
case 6.98%
situation 2.99%
matter 2.21%
issue 1.95%
ball 1.50%
problem 1.46%
account 1.28%
sale 1.24%
pressure 1.20%
crisis 1.08%
curve 0.05%
每页显示:    共 5