1.   Children should always wash their hands before handling food.

2.   Go wash your hands before dinner.

3.   He paused by one of the radiators to warm his hands before approaching the doors that led into the infirmary.

4.   Make sure you have clean hands before you eat.

5.   She put both hands before her and jerked wide awake with a scream.

6.   He pressed a card into her hand before leaving.

7.   Kelly got the grime off his hands before rejoining her in the kitchen.

8.   Be particularly fastidious about washing your hands before touching food.

9.   Please wash your hands before dinner.

10.   Gooseneck absolutely assures me they always wash their hands before touching any food and anyway, I believe they are all selected extremely carefully.

n. + before >>共 1532
day 2.33%
time 2.18%
week 1.47%
hour 1.46%
year 1.37%
month 0.97%
game 0.89%
case 0.88%
hearing 0.83%
appearance 0.63%
hand 0.18%
hand + p. >>共 75
of 32.20%
in 13.20%
on 10.26%
with 9.70%
over 4.96%
to 4.57%
at 3.92%
for 2.00%
out 1.52%
from 1.39%
before 0.77%
每页显示:    共 98