1.   Fear and intimidation also hamper movement.

2.   In the process, he discovered a genetic mutation that hampers the movement of brain cells during early development.

3.   Morrison said a knee injury he suffered three weeks ago hampered his movement and made him an easy target for Ross Puritty, who knocked him down twice.

4.   Team Decertification, however, argues that the elimination of one-year outs and balloon payments and other current cap exceptions will severely hamper player movement.

5.   A swollen knee from a misstep on a stairway the previous night was hampering his movement, he said, giving Etlis more room to hit winners.

6.   But Niemela said that earlier experiments indicated their movements were not hampered in any significant way.

7.   Chang played with heavily bandaged right thigh, but the injury did not appear to hamper his movement.

8.   Chang played with heavily bandaged right thigh, but the injury did not appear to hamper his movements.

9.   Firefighters had not reached the source of the fire late Wednesday, as thick smoke and darkness hampered movement inside the tunnel, fire department spokeswoman Berit Wahlgren said.

10.   In some cities, workers blockaded highways, hampering movement as hundreds of thousands of workers stayed off the job.

v. + movement >>共 697
restrict 4.23%
track 3.38%
monitor 3.11%
control 2.86%
limit 2.09%
allow 1.98%
have 1.95%
see 1.92%
join 1.48%
detect 1.40%
hamper 0.60%
hamper + n. >>共 497
effort 20.98%
operation 4.66%
investigation 3.34%
work 3.19%
search 3.11%
ability 2.87%
growth 2.64%
development 1.83%
progress 1.59%
attempt 1.52%
movement 0.85%
每页显示:    共 22