1.   Common wisdom has it that ordinary computer users are unlikely to be attacked by hackers, when there are so many high-profile targets on the Internet.

2.   In March, hackers attacked computers nationwide running Microsoft network software at NASA, the Navy and colleges including UC Berkeley.

3.   It also has the ability to send e-mail to a predefined address when the filter catches a site, or when your system is probed or attacked by hackers.

4.   The student also said hackers had attacked his domain and sent several e-mails under his log-on.

5.   While the hacker is attacking a computer, Black Ice can automatically trace the hacker back to the source and display the information to the computer user.

6.   A smattering of American sites have already been attacked by hackers claiming to be from China.

7.   Chinese hackers have previously attacked U.S., Japanese and Taiwanese government Web sites at times of heightened tensions, defacing them with nationalist slogans.

8.   In November, Pakistani-based hackers attacked a U.S. Web site belonging to a powerful pro-Israel lobby, stealing credit card numbers and member records.

9.   Hackers had previously attacked a number of US government Internet sites.

n. + attack >>共 840
rebel 8.85%
guerrilla 5.22%
warplane 4.73%
force 4.26%
gunman 3.00%
mob 2.57%
militant 2.43%
troop 2.40%
group 2.34%
man 2.19%
hacker 0.14%
hacker + v. >>共 220
be 11.44%
use 5.11%
break 4.05%
have 4.05%
get 2.46%
gain 2.11%
steal 1.94%
attack 1.58%
access 1.41%
find 1.23%
每页显示:    共 9