1.   I just started playing, and the other guys started improvising around me.

2.   The black guy starts clambering to his feet while Vinnie dithers with his knife.

3.   And guys started to step up, as they have with the current team.

4.   And I would be very disappointed if guys started using excuses to get golf carts.

5.   And some guy started clapping up in the stands.

6.   And these guys are starting to rawhide me.

7.   At this point, guys started running back toward us so I went out to see if I could make a play.

8.   Back in the office the next day, some dumb guy starting telling a Dumb Blonde joke.

9.   Beckenbauer went on TV and said this guy should go on the bench and this guy should be starting.

10.   A guy started screaming in the back of the auditorium.

n. + start >>共 1317
company 2.32%
people 2.20%
fire 1.93%
season 1.69%
thing 1.61%
price 1.11%
game 1.09%
government 1.07%
team 1.02%
talk 0.83%
guy 0.27%
guy + v. >>共 884
be 25.09%
have 7.06%
go 3.75%
get 3.39%
do 3.00%
play 2.39%
come 2.34%
make 1.89%
want 1.61%
know 1.54%
start 0.84%
每页显示:    共 63