1.   Fir trees laden with sheets of ice seemed to stagger during the height of the storm as they were buffeted by gusts.

2.   Hurricane force wind gusts will buffet the shorelines of Alabama and the western Florida panhandle, near and east of where the eye of Hurricane Danny crosses the coast.

3.   A gust of wind buffets the chopper.

4.   Buffeted by gusts of wind and surrounded by television camera crews as he crossed over the bridge Friday, Foster said the structure had never been dangerous.

5.   Strong gusts buffeted Okinawa as a powerful typhoon swept near the subtropical island of Okinawa on Sunday.

6.   Strong gusts buffeted Okinawa as a powerful typhoon swept toward the subtropical island on Sunday.

n. + buffet >>共 75
wind 25.86%
rain 5.75%
storm 4.02%
gust 3.45%
force 2.87%
charge 2.30%
report 2.30%
rumor 2.30%
wave 2.30%
cyclone 1.72%
gust + v. >>共 101
blow 13.30%
be 9.44%
whip 3.86%
knock 3.00%
cause 2.58%
buffet 2.58%
topple 2.58%
pick_up 2.15%
tear 2.15%
have 1.72%
每页显示:    共 6