1.   Gunships also fired rockets at Palestinian strongpoints in Hebron, and there was fierce house-to-housing fighting in Jenin.

2.   In Hebron, an Israeli Apache gunship fires a volley of missiles at a speeding car carrying the local commander of the Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigade.

3.   In retaliation for renewed shooting into the Gilo neighborhood of Jerusalem, Israeli helicopter gunships fired rockets on the Palestinian town of Beit Jala next to Bethlehem.

4.   In retaliation for the suicide bombing, an Israeli helicopter gunship fired missiles at a Palestinian police station in the West Bank town of Bethlehem.

5.   On Tuesday, Israeli helicopter gunships fired missiles at the car of a senior Palestinian security officer traveling in Gaza, instantly killing him.

6.   Other gunships fired on cars used by Party of God leaders.

7.   Wednesday, for the third day running, Israeli Cobra helicopter gunships fired rockets into the surrounding area.

8.   Police said three Cobra gunships fired six rockets, hitting the house of Col. Munir Makdah.

9.   A helicopter gunship fired at rebel positions north of the city.

10.   A U.N. officer, who spoke on condition of anonymity, confirmed a helicopter gunship fired at a local civil defense ambulance.

n. + fire >>共 698
police 16.66%
soldier 7.79%
troop 6.78%
gunman 5.10%
guerrilla 4.80%
force 3.73%
helicopter 3.14%
rebel 2.65%
officer 2.16%
tank 2.04%
gunship 1.28%
gunship + v. >>共 105
fire 20.25%
strafe 6.57%
attack 6.39%
fly 6.04%
hover 4.09%
blast 3.91%
rocket 3.91%
circle 3.20%
kill 2.13%
open 1.95%
每页显示:    共 113