1.   A furious gunbattle ensued.

2.   A gunbattle ensued, but security officials had no further details.

3.   A gunbattle ensued when al-Ibrahim objected, leading to the death of four of the intruders and two bodyguards protecting al-Ibrahim, who was wounded.

4.   A gunbattle ensued and witnesses said the guerrillas retreated, leaving the victim behind.

5.   A witness telephoned Israeli radio from under a bridge where he was hiding while the gunbattle ensued.

6.   It said a gunbattle ensued, one suspect was arrested and the other was wounded but escaped.

7.   Rebels pursued them and a three-hour gunbattle ensued.

8.   Security troops chased them and a fierce four-hour gunbattle ensued, the official said.

9.   Soon a gunbattle ensued, with hundreds of Palestinian policemen trading automatic fire with Israeli soldiers who were backed by armored personnel carriers and helicopters.

10.   A gunbattle ensued in which the four prison guards and a policeman were killed and another five people were wounded, police said.

n. + ensue >>共 357
battle 4.65%
scuffle 4.47%
argument 4.03%
chaos 3.31%
fight 3.22%
debate 2.24%
struggle 2.15%
standoff 1.97%
shootout 1.88%
brawl 1.61%
gunbattle 1.52%
gunbattle + v. >>共 22
erupt 27.50%
ensue 14.17%
break_out 10.00%
follow 5.83%
take 5.83%
be 5.00%
last 5.00%
rage 4.17%
leave 3.33%
go 2.50%
每页显示:    共 17