1.   Current guidelines recommend that young babies should sleep on their back.

2.   An attorney himself, Warner is encouraged that the guidelines recommend that lawyers consider settlement or alternative dispute resolution in every case.

3.   Based on estimates given by several local parents and teachers, many kids are spending substantially more time than this guideline recommends.

4.   Current guidelines recommend an annual chlamydia screening for those at risk.

5.   For first-line therapy for individuals with uncomplicated high blood pressure, the guidelines recommended drugs from the diuretic and beta-blocker classes.

6.   For people who cannot take amoxicillin, the guidelines recommend several other medications, doses of which vary.

7.   However, the guidelines recommend hearing tests and antibiotics if the symptoms persist after three months.

8.   Massachusetts sentencing guidelines recommend a sentence of three to five years for a first-time offender for involuntary manslaughter.

9.   Rimm noted that current guidelines recommend one drink a day for women and two a day for men to help prevent heart disease.

10.   The association has since issued guidelines recommending that members get expert help when examining high-risk investment strategies of insurance companies.

n. + recommend >>共 530
report 8.77%
panel 6.77%
doctor 6.72%
commission 5.92%
committee 5.79%
expert 4.12%
official 2.81%
board 2.73%
police 1.90%
group 1.72%
guideline 0.96%
guideline + v. >>共 239
be 25.02%
say 4.26%
call 3.40%
recommend 3.23%
require 3.23%
include 2.04%
allow 1.87%
apply 1.79%
help 1.70%
stipulate 1.53%
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