1.   Brandywine also offers nondrug pain treatments like meditation, massage, physical therapy and guided imagery.

2.   Grove teaches them relaxation techniques such as guided imagery and control of muscles and breathing, then has them apply those techniques behind the wheel.

3.   Guided imagery leans heavily on sensory imagination and emotion as a way of creating images in the mind to heal or relax the body.

4.   He also works on thought control or guided imagery.

5.   Lovejoy suggests deep breathing, relaxation exercises and guided imagery to help relieve stress.

6.   Naparstek refuses to claim that guided imagery is the panacea for all illnesses.

7.   Other therapies, which were less helpful than prayer but more helpful than having no such care, included guided imagery, stress relaxation, and healing touch.

8.   The relaxation of guided imagery and deep breathing give the engine a rest so the immune system can regenerate.

9.   Then it lists techniques such as distraction, controlled muscle relaxation and guided imagery in which the patient concentrates on positive memories or pleasant experiences.

10.   This was just guided imagery.

a. + imagery >>共 265
visual 5.36%
computer-generated 3.13%
religious 3.13%
guided 2.46%
vivid 2.46%
sexual 2.23%
digital 1.56%
animal 1.56%
video 1.56%
violent 1.56%
guided + n. >>共 77
tour 62.39%
walk 3.57%
weapon 2.52%
imagery 2.31%
trip 2.10%
excursion 1.89%
bomb 1.68%
bus 1.26%
hike 1.05%
nature 1.05%
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