1.   Work is also under way on further guidance material on core skills.

2.   Guidance material for the new batch of general SVQs is in preparation and will be distributed to all centres in the spring.

3.   Work is also underway on further guidance material on core skills.

4.   Belgian authorities have seized Russian anti-aircraft guidance material destined for Iraq, a newspaper said Wednesday, quoting military officials.

n. + material >>共 776
construction 9.63%
source 4.26%
plant 2.67%
reference 2.39%
research 2.31%
weapon 2.15%
weapons-grade 1.87%
bomb 1.75%
course 1.59%
campaign 1.55%
guidance 0.16%
guidance + n. >>共 60
counselor 42.73%
system 28.20%
note 2.82%
office 2.17%
computer 1.95%
technology 1.74%
program 1.08%
equipment 0.87%
device 0.87%
material 0.87%
每页显示:    共 4