1.   After that, the guerrillas took a census of the men who were left and divided them into separate rooms.

2.   In Chiapas and other southern states where guerrillas have taken up arms, the military has been credibly accused of torture and summary executions in its hunt for insurgents.

3.   Keith said local Colombian newspapers have reported that leftist FARC guerrillas took Hargrove hostage, but he called the reports speculation.

4.   Last week, machine gun-toting guerrillas took several dozen journalists on a tour of the front line in southern Lebanon.

5.   Nine guerrillas took part in the hijacking.

6.   Only a few hundred guerrillas have taken up arms in a separatist cause that goes back to the time before independence.

7.   Still, the guerrillas have taken a hard line toward conservative Protestant evangelical denominations that are aggressively trying to proselytize the population.

8.   The former guerrillas are taking the process of accountability to the grass roots.

9.   The guerrillas took responsibility for the suicide bombing of a police station Thursday in Batman, a provincial capital.

10.   The guerrillas had taken Mount Goma, a hill near town where most of the Zairian artillery and mortars had been positioned.

n. + take >>共 1201
government 2.42%
company 1.62%
people 1.59%
meeting 1.38%
investor 1.22%
police 1.16%
process 1.02%
official 1.00%
attack 0.80%
team 0.79%
guerrilla 0.09%
guerrilla + v. >>共 658
fire 7.81%
attack 6.22%
be 4.77%
kill 4.00%
ambush 2.86%
fight 2.59%
detonate 2.49%
say 2.24%
use 2.15%
launch 1.28%
take 1.14%
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