1.   Also in Macedonia, former U.S. Sen. Bob Dole announced Friday that commanders of the guerilla army would meet Sunday to decide whether to sign the peace deal.

2.   Gen. Carneiro accused Savimbi of maintaining a guerilla army hidden in the bush and hinted that the government could take military action against UNITA.

3.   The government, however, has accused UNITA of not dismantling its entire guerilla army.

4.   The IFP similarily claims that the ANC runs hitsquads of members of its former guerilla army targetting IFP leaders.

n. + army >>共 138
government 39.03%
rebel 23.56%
guerrilla 10.52%
federation 1.98%
coalition 1.17%
occupation 0.99%
opposition 0.99%
week 0.99%
year 0.90%
militia 0.63%
guerilla 0.36%
guerilla + n. >>共 41
warfare 14.29%
group 11.11%
war 9.52%
fighter 7.94%
leader 6.35%
attack 4.76%
movement 3.97%
campaign 3.97%
army 3.17%
commander 3.17%
每页显示:    共 4