1.   He did not speak to reporters and was whisked away in a heavily guarded motorcade.

2.   He met with Israeli Prime Minister Shimon Peres and President Hafez Assad of Syria earlier Wednesday before driving in a heavily guarded motorcade from Damascus to Chtura.

3.   He then drove to his nearby home in a heavily guarded motorcade.

4.   He went immediately in a heavily guarded motorcade to State House, the residence of Zambian President Frederick Chiluba.

5.   His heavily guarded motorcade went immediately to Surabaya airport, where he boarded a jet to Jakarta.

6.   Late Friday night a smiling Habibie was whisked past the protests in a heavy guarded motorcade to the Parliament where he closed the four-day assembly.

7.   Late Friday, a smiling Habibie was whisked past the protests in a heavily guarded motorcade to the Parliament, where he closed the four-day assembly.

8.   Megawati landed in the provincial capital Banda Aceh and was immediately whisked away in a heavily guarded motorcade to the center of the city.

9.   Policemen and soldiers saluted the heavily guarded motorcade as it bumped over holes blown in the asphalt by mortar shells.

a. + motorcade >>共 65
presidential 26.16%
guarded 5.23%
papal 5.23%
long 4.07%
official 3.49%
royal 3.49%
police-escorted 2.91%
speeding 2.91%
separate 2.91%
noisy 2.33%
guarded + n. >>共 282
secret 13.11%
optimism 7.37%
condition 4.74%
compound 3.00%
border 2.37%
courtroom 1.75%
welcome 1.75%
residence 1.50%
prison 1.25%
gate 1.25%
motorcade 1.12%
每页显示:    共 9