1.   A new report on global competitiveness is unlikely to silence all the skeptics, but it does bend the idea of competitiveness to fit modern growth theory.

2.   No one has more tirelessly pointed out the shortcomings of neoclassical economic formulations of growth theory than Nelson.

3.   Put simply, new growth theory emphasizes the economic role of innovation.

4.   Romer is a pioneering thinker behind a set of ideas called new growth theory.

5.   But holding human capital constant, endogenous growth theory may also predict convergence.

6.   Endogenous growth theory merely says that countries may diverge if they have different levels of human capital, all other factors constant.

7.   Endogenous growth theories are based on the idea that long-run growth is determined by economic incentives.

8.   The importance of innovation inside technopoles includes research and development activities, the knowledge-intensive factor behind recent long-run economic growth theories.

n. + theory >>共 572
chaos 4.17%
string 2.72%
music 2.64%
defense 2.64%
missile 2.38%
management 2.30%
misappropriation 1.36%
act 1.36%
speech 1.36%
market 1.36%
growth 0.68%
growth + n. >>共 405
rate 23.78%
prospect 5.43%
potential 5.14%
stock 4.85%
area 3.72%
industry 3.39%
figure 3.36%
forecast 3.07%
spurt 2.59%
opportunity 2.31%
theory 0.19%
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