1.   Among the local media, he cited radio and television, fueled by growth in retail advertising from store openings.

2.   Canadian stocks are expected to rise after a U.S. durable goods report eased concern that economic growth will fuel inflation, money mangers said.

3.   Demand fueled by growth in corporate profits and improving credit quality drove differences in yield, or spreads, to historically low levels.

4.   Others have jumped into the race to supply gas to India and Pakistan, where economic growth is fueling rapid increases in energy consumption.

5.   Rapid jobs growth can fuel inflation, which can erode the value of stocks and bonds, analysts said.

6.   Rapid jobs growth fuels inflation, which can erode the value of stocks and bonds.

7.   Robust growth can fuel inflation, which the U.S. central bank aims to keep in check by raising interest rates.

8.   Still, other investors are worried that robust growth could fuel inflation.

9.   That prompted traders to sell bonds on concern that strong U.S. job growth will fuel demand for Canadian goods, prompting quicker inflation.

10.   That helped quell fears that fast economic growth will fuel inflation, said Randy Werntz, a Kansas City Value Line trader.

n. + fuel >>共 670
report 3.39%
speculation 1.30%
growth 1.30%
comment 1.11%
move 1.04%
gain 1.04%
price 1.04%
demand 0.91%
dollar 0.91%
cut 0.85%
growth + v. >>共 496
be 25.90%
slow 13.50%
continue 3.50%
come 3.42%
remain 2.51%
accelerate 2.12%
lead 1.84%
pick_up 1.48%
mean 1.28%
help 1.07%
fuel 0.36%
每页显示:    共 20