1.   The cells were grown in antibiotic free medium for two days to give a semiconfluent monolayer of cells on each coverslip.

2.   As soon as they tried to grow fetal cells in the lab, the cells would differentiate.

3.   Asked why a healthy transplanted heart would need to grow new cells, Anversa said the new heart was not necessarily so healthy.

4.   A biotechnology company announced Sunday that it had taken the first steps in producing cloned human embryos for use in growing replacement cells to treat diseases like diabetes.

5.   A way around the donor shortage is to grow islet cells in the laboratory, but this sounds much easier than it is.

6.   But they could not grow such cells in the lab and add genes to them.

7.   Cells were often taken from cadavers or fetuses, and it was hard to get enough cells to treat many patients or to grow cells with a consistent quality.

8.   Coriell, of Moorestown, N.J., made innovations in human tissue culture that made it possible to grow the cells used for polio virus research.

9.   First, it is impossible to grow embryo cells in culture without having them change into something that looks like skin cells.

10.   For example, they might be able to grow pancreas cells to treat people with diabetes.

v. + cell >>共 512
kill 6.44%
use 4.05%
destroy 2.92%
have 2.92%
infect 2.31%
grow 2.31%
enter 2.13%
share 2.00%
damage 1.70%
attack 1.57%
grow + n. >>共 823
beard 5.65%
crop 4.60%
vegetable 2.95%
plant 2.89%
business 2.10%
hair 1.87%
food 1.68%
cell 1.68%
concern 1.30%
demand 1.24%
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