1.   This schedule also allots time every afternoon for the teacher to work with children in small group settings.

2.   An outbreak is defined as three or more cases in a group setting, like a nursing home.

3.   But anyone who knows the password can usually reset it, so in a group setting, disabling the password is probably the sensible course.

4.   Either one on one or in a group setting, Radcliffe offers spiritual counseling and comfort and lends an ear to men coping with separation from family and friends.

5.   Help children learn to function in a group setting.

6.   In a group setting, try to make eye contact with each person in the room.

7.   It is usually practiced in a group setting, where participants can benefit from touching and being touched.

8.   It is not unusual for those interviews to take place in a group setting before trial, he said.

9.   It will be done in an informal group setting.

10.   Some babies thrive on the stimulation of a group setting.

n. + setting >>共 362
sun 11.69%
table 5.95%
default 3.42%
stage 2.32%
group 1.65%
office 1.54%
school 1.54%
classroom 1.54%
laboratory 1.21%
university 1.21%
group + n. >>共 1107
member 6.83%
home 4.07%
leader 4.05%
match 3.36%
winner 3.18%
meeting 2.28%
game 2.01%
director 1.70%
plan 1.55%
play 1.46%
setting 0.27%
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