1.   The group secured several top singers, including Tony Sauceda, Jose Martinez, Eliseo Robles and Juan Antonio Coronado.

2.   The group also secures state permits to conduct its annual sale.

3.   Two years ago, the private group secured additional authority from the state to decide who can participate in extracurricular school activities.

4.   As the group has already secured a long term charter for the secondhand vessel, the operational risk has been minimised.

5.   The group has secured support from the mainstream opposition Social Democrats for some crucial legislation.

n. + secure >>共 403
troop 4.88%
company 4.52%
police 4.15%
force 3.79%
government 3.17%
soldier 1.47%
victory 1.34%
team 1.10%
party 1.10%
win 1.10%
group 0.61%
group + v. >>共 723
say 9.83%
be 9.19%
have 3.36%
claim 3.17%
include 1.64%
call 1.57%
plan 1.51%
accuse 1.35%
want 1.19%
take 1.04%
secure 0.01%
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