1.   The interior is finely preserved and has a long nave, with barrel vaulted aisles, broad transepts and a fine apse with groined vault.

2.   It is large, with stout columns and cubiform capitals supporting a heavy groined vault.

3.   The groined vault is carried on grouped piers.

4.   Inside, four large stone columns on torus moulding and square bases support a quadripartite ribbed vault on their cushion capitals, while groined vaults cover the encircling ambulatory.

5.   The ceiling is in brick, formed in groined vaults with barrel vaulted bays.

6.   Elvis was a hip replacement, a shaky premise, a groined vault.

a. + vault >>共 149
family 5.59%
first 5.00%
underground 5.00%
final 3.82%
second 3.82%
ribbed 3.53%
concrete 2.94%
burial 2.94%
quadripartite 2.35%
groined 2.06%
groined + n. >>共 2
vault 87.50%
roof 12.50%
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