1.   But cutting greenhouse emissions from transport will take more than just improving the efficiency of cars and trucks.

2.   Focuses on urban ecology, social equity, land conservation, greenhouse gas emissions and environmental quality.

3.   However, no such action was to be credited against any forthcoming national required reductions in greenhouse gas emissions.

4.   The agreement set ambitious goals to cut greenhouse gas emissions worldwide.

5.   The Committee also outlined tough recommendations on how greenhouse gas emissions should be reduced.

6.   The Market could grow much bigger if countries further subsidize wind power to curb greenhouse gas emissions.

7.   We need to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

n. + emission >>共 118
gas 24.23%
greenhouse 22.38%
carbon 5.57%
auto 3.53%
vehicle 3.16%
exhaust 3.06%
tailpipe 2.69%
mercury 2.32%
oxide 1.76%
nitrogen 1.76%
greenhouse + n. >>共 90
gas 57.20%
emission 25.91%
cut 0.75%
target 0.75%
experiment 0.75%
problem 0.75%
tomato 0.65%
pollution 0.43%
limit 0.43%
reduction 0.43%
每页显示:    共 240