1.   Disturbance and high tides pose the greatest threats to the breeding birds.

2.   Either way, it represents the greatest environmental threat the world now faces.

3.   Hitler posed the greatest threat to the moral order of the world that history has ever seen.

4.   Nevertheless, its greatest threat comes not only from coal imports but from the Labour party.

5.   Newspapers are under the greatest peacetime threat to their freedom this century.

6.   The greatest threat to humankind is poverty.

7.   The greatest threat to our planet is global warming.

8.   The latest outbreak of the disease can be seen as the greatest threat to UK farmers yet.

a. + threat >>共 500
serious 5.58%
terrorist 4.61%
potential 3.55%
new 3.00%
biggest 2.94%
military 2.74%
immediate 2.39%
real 2.28%
greatest 2.24%
major 1.93%
greatest + n. >>共 1343
threat 3.58%
challenge 2.89%
risk 2.75%
player 2.53%
number 2.01%
concern 1.55%
danger 1.30%
impact 1.24%
need 1.11%
success 1.08%
每页显示:    共 227