1.   And that, in fashion terms, is a far greater sin.

2.   Abolitionists believed Webster guilty of a greater sin than sexual or financial misconduct.

3.   But there are few greater sins for calciatori than squandering an advantage.

4.   I enjoyed listening to Reich at MIT last year talk about the rise of minimalism as an antidote to the far greater sins of academicism and serialism.

5.   Much greater sins were ignored in those southern latitudes.

6.   Sodomy is illegal in Muslim-dominated Malaysia and considered by many a greater sin than abuse of public office.

7.   There is no greater sin than raping young girls and sending them into slave labor.

8.   But it is a greater sin to look on with folded arms when I see my countrymen suffering under tyranny.

a. + sin >>共 148
cardinal 8.64%
past 6.96%
worst 4.46%
unforgivable 3.34%
greatest 3.06%
greater 2.23%
major 2.23%
grievous 1.95%
only 1.95%
political 1.95%
greater + n. >>共 946
risk 2.46%
role 2.38%
number 2.34%
autonomy 2.29%
access 1.92%
freedom 1.77%
flexibility 1.63%
cooperation 1.54%
power 1.46%
control 1.35%
sin 0.05%
每页显示:    共 8