1.   I ask the Minister if he will undertake to develop proposals to encourage greater involvement by ex-RAF pilots in the reserves.

2.   The concept of greater parental involvement was favourably received, and this involvement has increased in the years since Plowden.

3.   The Labour Party supported the idea of greater parental involvement.

4.   He added, however, that changes had to occur within the Republican Party, including the greater involvement of women and minority groups.

5.   Greater British involvement was needed as a stabilizing influence to prevent a recurrence of historic Franco-German rivalries.

6.   With greater individual involvement, there has also been a great increase in the number of links with universities and other outside research centres.

7.   Among his solutions are greater involvement of the Senate in the process and less focus on personal peccadilloes.

8.   And it opens the door to greater involvement by NATO, whose senior officers have been critical of what they have sometimes described as UN timidity.

9.   And they wanted locals to have greater involvement in monitoring change.

10.   Boeing, meanwhile, has been making strong moves toward greater involvement in defense contracting.

a. + involvement >>共 425
alleged 11.00%
military 7.35%
direct 6.29%
american 4.13%
possible 3.22%
greater 3.19%
parental 2.97%
active 2.26%
foreign 2.16%
personal 1.81%
greater + n. >>共 946
risk 2.46%
role 2.38%
number 2.34%
autonomy 2.29%
access 1.92%
freedom 1.77%
flexibility 1.63%
cooperation 1.54%
power 1.46%
control 1.35%
involvement 0.58%
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