1.   It is likely that Celsus discussed the matter at greater length, and with greater clarity.

2.   It was hoped that further discussion in a reflective setting would add greater clarity to the issues.

3.   It will bring greater clarity into choosing how to spend public money on health.

4.   It will enable us to focus our activities and give us even greater clarity of purpose.

5.   That inexcusable act probably speaks with greater clarity than anything I could say about his true character.

6.   This performance needed more pace, a lighter touch throughout from the orchestra and much greater clarity from the first violins.

7.   Thirdly, the technique has a high contrast resolution which means that tumours are frequently shown with greater clarity than with computed tomography.

8.   There were other advantages of the new arrangements which derived from the greater clarity of trading roles.

9.   I think that all that this policy does is make that more explicit, it gives it greater clarity.

10.   And she has noticed that her children are progressively forgetting more and more details of her ordeal as she continues to remember with greater clarity.

a. + clarity >>共 218
greater 5.61%
moral 5.12%
great 2.44%
absolute 1.95%
remarkable 1.71%
better 1.71%
impressive 1.71%
sufficient 1.71%
equal 1.46%
startling 1.46%
greater + n. >>共 946
risk 2.46%
role 2.38%
number 2.34%
autonomy 2.29%
access 1.92%
freedom 1.77%
flexibility 1.63%
cooperation 1.54%
power 1.46%
control 1.35%
clarity 0.13%
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