1.   I ate with great relish, enjoying every bite.

2.   With great relish he would recount the story of how he had surprised Branson one morning outside his house in Denbigh Terrace.

3.   She plays the role with great relish.

4.   It is logical to conclude that adolescent sociopaths capable of slaughtering fellow students and taking great relish in doing so were in some major respects failed by their parents.

5.   Like most San Franciscans who have spent an interminable weekend here, Jeff Kent stuffed his belongings into his bag with great relish Sunday afternoon.

6.   Powell approached his new job without any great relish.

7.   Phil is a man of great appetite and great relish, a wonderful ringmaster and alchemist and mentor and clown.

8.   So, also, were the several expensive cigars exhumed from the green excelsior and ex-fumed with great relish on the back deck.

9.   Strewn about are pieces of fruit from discarded snacks, mangled toys and a huge mound of cardboard cartons demolished with great relish by Alex.

10.   Stylish and striking, she is full of fun on Sunday, telling stories with great relish and a theatrical sense of timing.

a. + relish >>共 50
great 20.27%
cranberry 9.46%
evident 2.70%
apparent 2.70%
same 2.70%
uncooked 2.70%
apricot 1.35%
bright-eyed 1.35%
a 1.35%
characteristic 1.35%
great + n. >>共 1378
player 1.79%
job 1.29%
thing 1.15%
team 1.14%
success 1.10%
deal 1.03%
length 0.98%
time 0.93%
game 0.75%
opportunity 0.75%
relish 0.04%
每页显示:    共 15