1.   Covering derelict land with trees, replacing long-cleared woods and forests, holds a great attraction.

2.   Here you would have seen a great attraction and opportunities to do well in expanding industries.

3.   Another great attraction is the Prospect Tunnel Loop, a do-it- yourself trip.

4.   Another resident bird that provides a great attraction to the public is the white-faced ibis, a long, slender bird, almost prehistoric looking.

5.   Besides winding next to a river and through a hardwood forest, its great attraction is that the walk starts on a flat roadbed.

6.   A great attraction for the price.

7.   But the great attraction of the region is that it remains little affected by most of the citified pretensions of Northern California.

8.   But the great attraction of the region is that it remains little affected, at least for now, by most of the citified pretensions of Northern California.

9.   Goldman will no doubt remain a fearsome competitor with a great attraction to prospective employees.

10.   Guatemala held a great attraction for Lee, who grew up in Doniphan, Mo., a lumber and farming community in the Ozark foothills.

a. + attraction >>共 444
main 12.92%
star 5.51%
major 4.91%
new 4.36%
popular 2.85%
big 2.60%
added 2.35%
biggest 2.25%
sexual 1.85%
coming 1.80%
great 1.10%
great + n. >>共 1378
player 1.79%
job 1.29%
thing 1.15%
team 1.14%
success 1.10%
deal 1.03%
length 0.98%
time 0.93%
game 0.75%
opportunity 0.75%
attraction 0.06%
每页显示:    共 22