1.   The defendant wore a blue blazer, a white shirt, and gray pants with a sharp crease.

2.   As the home team in the Super Bowl, the Falcons likely will wear their black jerseys and their customary gray pants with black-and-red stripes.

3.   Bowden favors regular gray pants over school-uniform supply-company pants.

4.   A brown wool sweater and gray pants made a muted pairing.

5.   He was wearing a checked flannel shirt and gray pants.

6.   He was dressed in a striped shirt and gray pants.

7.   Lean and affable, he was wearing a skintight gray T-shirt and stylishly understated gray pants.

8.   Light gray pants.

9.   Ma Kwai-han, a feather of a man clad in a skimpy white undershirt and baggy gray pants, padded into a dim circle of light.

10.   Russi, a wizened figure in gray pants, brown suspenders, and a plaid short-sleeved shirt, was nearly stampeded when he wandered into court.

a. + pant >>共 393
black 9.38%
baggy 7.00%
khaki 5.50%
long 5.39%
white 3.61%
tight 2.26%
stretch 2.21%
dark 2.21%
slim 2.10%
short 2.10%
gray 1.40%
gray + n. >>共 772
hair 7.36%
area 6.90%
suit 6.67%
sky 3.53%
flannel 2.36%
cloud 1.57%
smoke 1.54%
beard 1.47%
day 1.24%
slack 1.05%
pant 0.85%
每页显示:    共 26