1.   Freshly grated nutmeg, for garnish.

2.   Grate a little nutmeg over top and continue cooking until all liquid has been absorbed and the dish is tender, not mushy.

3.   Grated nutmeg.

4.   Grate nutmeg over top.

5.   It also grates nutmeg well.

6.   Sprinkle on remaining cheese and grate a little nutmeg over it.

7.   Arrange cherries on top and grate a little nutmeg over the pudding.

v. + nutmeg >>共 5
grate 43.75%
add 25.00%
sprinkle 18.75%
beat_in 6.25%
try 6.25%
grate + n. >>共 43
cheese 31.03%
rind 6.21%
zest 4.83%
ginger 4.83%
nutmeg 4.83%
coconut 3.45%
carrot 3.45%
chocolate 3.45%
peel 3.45%
onion 2.76%
每页显示:    共 7