1.   And it uses its bills as sort of a political action letter to round up grassroots support for liberal causes.

2.   All enjoyed grassroots support from members of Concerned Women for America.

3.   All the gadgetry is aimed at creating grassroots support.

4.   Finding them will take grassroots support that could be hard to come by.

5.   Meanwhile, Coleman and Budig are trying to raise grassroots support for baseball.

6.   One Republican aide said Friday that the vote was being moved up to deny opponents the opportunity to rally grassroots support.

7.   That is why the groups are trying to drum up grassroots support for their efforts in Asia.

8.   The initiative will attempt to get grassroots support through e-mail petition and information campaigns.

9.   There is tremendous grassroots support for this.

10.   Yet this base is not the kind of grassroots support that a leader replacing a discredited ruler would most want.

n. + support >>共 673
child 10.72%
government 9.24%
life 8.15%
air 5.42%
majority 3.67%
fan 3.24%
run 2.60%
community 2.18%
customer 1.96%
voter 1.88%
grassroots 0.64%
grassroots + n. >>共 127
level 11.89%
movement 8.37%
group 8.15%
organization 7.49%
support 5.73%
effort 4.41%
campaign 4.19%
activist 1.98%
democracy 1.98%
supporter 1.98%
每页显示:    共 26