1.   Bloomberg, who has called for racial harmony, consensus building and grassroots activism by neighborhoods, drew on traditionally conservative themes when discussing his fiscal policies.

2.   He says his grassroots activism will carry the day and bring change to the AFL-CIO.

3.   On the Internet, grassroots activism has, quite literally, been electrified.

4.   The prize is awarded annually by the Goldman Environmental Foundation, a San Francisco organization devoted to grassroots environmental activism.

5.   The unusual consortium, whose members may agree on little else, joined Wednesday to promote the primer on how an armchair critic can catapult into grassroots activism.

6.   Elsewhere grassroots environmental activism is just starting to make itself felt.

n. + activism >>共 36
government 16.89%
shareholder 16.89%
student 13.51%
grass-roots 6.76%
community 6.08%
labor 4.73%
grassroots 4.05%
campus 4.05%
consumer 3.38%
stockholder 1.35%
grassroots + n. >>共 127
level 11.89%
movement 8.37%
group 8.15%
organization 7.49%
support 5.73%
effort 4.41%
campaign 4.19%
activist 1.98%
democracy 1.98%
supporter 1.98%
activism 1.32%
每页显示:    共 6