1.   Garnish with grape clusters if desired.

2.   Garnish top with halved white grapes and mint sprigs to resemble grape clusters.

3.   Garnish with grape clusters.

4.   The grape-flavored gumballs are packed in a plastic grape cluster container that looks like a purple hand grenade.

5.   Working quickly with a small ice-cream scoop or melon baller, form a grape cluster with sorbet balls in center of each plate.

a. + cluster >>共 260
small 11.45%
large 7.82%
star 3.09%
little 2.73%
new 2.00%
tiny 2.00%
dense 1.64%
separate 1.64%
big 1.09%
galactic 1.09%
grape 0.91%
grape + n. >>共 101
juice 20.84%
variety 8.22%
leaf 6.81%
grower 6.81%
vine 6.01%
harvest 3.81%
price 3.61%
name 3.21%
seed 2.81%
skin 2.40%
cluster 1.00%
每页显示:    共 5