1.   A dozen tribal colleges serving American Indians are among the grant recipients.

2.   A network of political activists constantly recirculates the same old charges against Pioneer and its grant recipients.

3.   After the New York Times reported the conflicting government positions, embarrassed AID officials last year dropped the Holy Land Foundation from the list of eligible grant recipients.

4.   Boston and Massachusetts were among the top grant recipients last year.

5.   But officials found that many grant recipients needed remediation in math and English once in college.

6.   He and other animal scientists, he added, have different interests from the standard NIH grant recipient.

7.   If enacted, the legislation would require grant recipients to make their books available for inspection.

8.   Its grant recipients are often distinguished by little more than intolerance toward traditional standards and art forms.

9.   Liberals who used to be conservatives are called federal grant recipients.

10.   She named conservatives to the panels that recommend grant recipients and was reported to have opposed some proposals on political grounds.

n. + recipient >>共 129
welfare 72.10%
transplant 3.85%
aid 2.47%
organ 1.79%
award 1.24%
grant 1.17%
loan 1.10%
heart 1.03%
gift 0.69%
scholarship 0.62%
grant + n. >>共 124
money 22.59%
program 13.66%
proposal 7.71%
application 7.18%
aid 7.01%
recipient 2.98%
fund 2.10%
request 1.40%
scheme 1.40%
agreement 0.88%
每页显示:    共 17