1.   TCI say they hope that approval will be granted for the takeover without a hitch.

2.   If the second parameter is set to FALSE approval listings must be produced for a package prior to granting approval.

3.   The nominated approver must use this routine before being allowed to grant approval to a package but need not prepare the listings to deny approval.

4.   If you are granting approval, you must have successfully prepared the package.

5.   Note that only the nominated approver can grant approval to a package but that the nominated approver or one of his ascendants can deny approval to a package.

6.   By granting approval to a package, LIFESPAN will update all Design Changes to the Approved state.

7.   The user has attempted to grant approval to a package before the approval listings have been prepared.

8.   If you are the Approver of the package, you must use this option to prepare the package for approval prior to granting approval to the package.

9.   By granting approval to the package, LIFESPAN will update all Design Changes to the Approved state.

10.   If approval is granted, then the package module and every module selected by the relation LATEST, will have a new modification record added to it.

v. + approval >>共 327
win 13.13%
require 12.75%
give 9.32%
need 8.21%
seek 7.62%
receive 7.59%
get 5.11%
await 4.37%
gain 2.69%
have 2.60%
grant 1.87%
grant + n. >>共 628
amnesty 6.33%
permission 4.99%
asylum 4.13%
request 4.10%
immunity 3.28%
visa 3.06%
access 3.03%
bail 2.78%
interview 2.60%
approval 2.50%
每页显示:    共 179