1.   A man who fatally shot one graffiti vandal and wounded another has been charged with two misdemeanor weapons possession charges.

2.   Conroy, best known for his recent bill that calls for paddling graffiti vandals, refused to discuss specific allegations in the lawsuit.

3.   In February, another hotline was created to receive anonymous tips about graffiti vandals.

4.   It ruled that residents putting up walls around their property must also plant bushes to cover the walls, ostensibly taking away the canvases of the graffiti vandals.

5.   Norway Graf is grittier, with the initials of a graffiti vandal scrawled contemptuously across a vacant police car.

6.   Nothing of consequence ever seemed to get built in those days, and existing structures were being defiled by graffiti vandals.

7.   People should report graffiti vandals to police, even take down their license plate numbers, as did Masters.

8.   Several operators have been attacked trying to stop graffiti vandals.

9.   Sound barriers provide an ideal backdrop for graffiti vandals.

10.   The exact events surrounding the shooting of the graffiti vandals are in dispute.

n. + vandal >>共 9
graffito 48.15%
computer 22.22%
suspect 7.41%
cyber 3.70%
far-right 3.70%
pipeline 3.70%
student 3.70%
summer 3.70%
track 3.70%
graffito + n. >>共 64
artist 20.89%
writer 12.03%
vandal 8.23%
art 5.70%
attack 2.53%
war 2.53%
crew 1.90%
painter 1.90%
company 1.27%
people 1.27%
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