1.   She also is helping friends plan other kinds of graduation celebrations.

2.   In fact, the cannelloni is a good entree for a graduation celebration.

3.   She said her parents encouraged her to go because they had such fond memories of their own graduation celebration back home.

4.   She testified that at a class graduation celebration at a local restaurant he told her in crude language that he wanted to perform oral sex on her.

n. + celebration >>共 198
millennium 12.92%
victory 10.57%
birthday 10.47%
anniversary 10.47%
holiday 5.28%
independence 4.15%
day 2.26%
weekend 1.98%
year 1.60%
championship 1.51%
graduation 0.38%
graduation + n. >>共 95
ceremony 27.49%
rate 22.93%
requirement 7.98%
day 5.13%
party 4.70%
gift 2.28%
exam 2.14%
speech 1.85%
standard 1.14%
speaker 1.14%
celebration 0.57%
每页显示:    共 4